Sunday, February 7, 2016

Demo Day 2 - Take Down That Wall (well, part of it at least)!

Today was another fun-filled day of demo.  It was also the day I realized that I no longer want to be Chip Gaines.  I'm perfectly fine watching Fixer Upper from the comfort of my own home.  I'll leave the home remodeling business to the professionals.

Here's the video from today... Enjoy!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Demo Day

It's time to redo the kitchen here at Too Fat Headquarters.  Today was demo day, and it reminded me of my favorite show.  Chip & Joanna Gaines are the greatest human beings on earth.  I could watch Fixer Upper for days (and I have).  On that show, Chip's favorite part is demo day.  He always seem to genuinely love taking apart a house.  I wanted to see if I'd enjoy it as much as Chip (I didn't).

I hope you enjoy this video more than I enjoyed taking apart the kitchen!